Flat Fee MLS*
(Montana)We are the Technology Leader offering you the most state of the art services to sell your home. Competitors may purport to offer similar service but do not. If any competitor appears less expensive, contact us.
Copyright 2025 BrokerDirectMLS.com Continental Real Estate Group, Inc.
Corporate Address: 259 Kinderkamack Road, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Terms & Conditions
* Use of the term MLS an acronym for Multiple Listing Service does not imply that we are a MLS but instead a service provider that helps you list your property with us so that we in turn can get you listed in the MLS with our state licensed broker. Similarly, List For Sale or For Rent By Owner denotes that you the owner fills out forms to list your property. It does not imply that you as a layperson will be granted direct computer access to the Multiple Listing Service yourself. Only a licensed broker and member of the MLS can access the Multiple Listing Service. All commissions are negotiable by law.
¹ All commissions are negotiable by law. Realtor.Com and some of the other sites we offer limit their inventory to residential properties only. If listing a commercial property, it typically will not appear on Realtor.Com and some of the other sites. Also, residential properties with 5 or more units are typically classified by MLSs as commercial properties because they appeal to investors. Some MLSs send vacant land and rentals to Realtor.Com and various sites and other MLSs do not. Our website is a first party site. MLS is a second party site. Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com etc. are 3rd party sites. Some 2nd and 3rd party sites limit exposure to particular types of property; for example waterfront properties only. We do not have any control over what categories the MLS chooses to omit from it's feed or what categories any of the sites (both Realtor.com and all other sites) choose to omit in their display even if they receive it in the feed from MLS, etc. Also, MLSs, Realtor.Com and/or other Syndicators we utilize will occasionally terminate or alter their relationships with sites they feed to. Your listing should be available on all of the sites listed above throughout the course of the listing, however sometimes a send/receive relationship will terminate mid-listing. Also, a send/receive relationship may have been terminated before you sign up. We will update the site when we are made aware and can verify that the relationship was terminated but we don't always get notice and given the hundreds of sites we feed to, we cannot easily monitor all terminations. We encourage our clients to take one of our listings and check the sites he/she wants to be on in advance. Should a syndication cease in the middle of a listing or be unavailable at time of listing but we were unaware that said syndication was terminated or recently made aware but did not have reasonable time to verify and get the website edited, it shall not be considered a breach of services or misrepresentation of the offering and no refund shall be due.
Second and third party sites have technical problems occasionally. For example a property might fail to show up on mapping or it may be
mis-categorized. Photos are pulled by third party sites not pushed by secondary
sites (MLS) to them. In other words the MLS puts the data out there and crawlers
from third party sites log in to MLS and extract the data. Sometimes data
including but not limited to photos will not update. Also second and third party sites append tax, school and neighborhood data from various vendors and it is not always correct. We will make
a limited effort to rectify the problem but we cannot reach out to the numerous
sites that your listing is fed to. We will contact secondary sites (MLSs)
as they are the syndicator of data but as there are so many sites your property
will appear on that contacting each could take longer than listing the
property. It is not practical to contact every one and we could never
offer cost effective services if we guaranteed that data would match perfectly
what you submitted on all sites. Also despite us contacting secondary and
tertiary sites, the problem is not always fixed or not fixed quickly. Failure to rectify a technical glitch on a
second or third party sites will not be deemed a breach of our offerings or cause for a refund. Other brokerages such as ReMax™, Prudential™, Coldwell Banker™, etc. and many of the sites listed above pull inventory from an MLS feed called IDX. In some cases they do not publish the entire IDX feed. We cannot guarantee that third party sites will always display some or all of our listings or correct problem with the listing. Site with the ™ symbol are trademarks of those respective site owners.